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Migrating Your Users (and their applications) To Windows 10 Can Be Easier Than You Think

By July 7, 2020March 8th, 2024Blog

There are many compelling reasons to migrate from Windows 7 to Windows 10, not least since Windows 7 has received no software updates since January 2020. Among many other benefits, Windows 10 includes some valuable security features to protect corporate networks and keep data secure.

But migrating between Operating Systems can be tricky – especially when your busy users can’t afford the downtime and every minute counts in competitive working environments. Many end users also see little value in the upgrades and dread the issues and teething problems that follow in the days or weeks after the upgrade.

In this article, we look at the challenges that migrating to Windows 10 can create for IT, and how IT can effectively juggle user productivity with the ever-pressing need to make the move to Windows 10.

What are the challenges with migrating to Windows 10?

The potential pitfalls are plentiful, and we discuss them further at length in another blog. But suffice to say, the move to Windows 10 (or any Operating System migration for that matter) can throw up the following challenges for IT and users:

  • User data loss
  • Driver issues
  • Loss of printer and peripheral device mapping
  • Application compatibility with Windows 10
  • User disruption
  • Unexpected issues and challenges

In times when business is facing challenges such as Brexit or the COVID pandemic, can IT justify the hassle?

How can the migration be done effectively, and remotely?

Whether users are office based or remote, getting the right applications to the right people in a controlled, timely manner is not a simple task. Especially when there are lots of users and lots of applications to consider.

IT’s workload can be immense during a company-wide OS migration, but application packaging is an effective way of ORIIUM supporting IT departments during this time by firstly evaluating applications to establish the best means of delivery and then virtualising or creating MSI/MSIX/App-V packages for consistent application delivery. The application packages include all appropriate user, security, network and application settings. They also help to overcome legacy application compatibility issues with quality assured and warrantied applications that can be delivered to users’ Windows 10 devices at scale.

Most importantly we provide peace of mind for businesses, knowing their users have a safe and secure OS, applications delivered consistently and a great user experience with none of the usual Operating System upgrade inconvenience.

How does an application packaging service make the migration easier?

With ORIIUM’s Application Packaging service, our customers can deploy their applications efficiently and automatically (silently) to their users, helping organisations to:

  • Understand the best way to package applications for deployment
  • Package applications in all mainstream formats
  • Troubleshoot issues with deployment methods
  • Overcome application compatibility issues with Windows 10
  • Overcome SCCM/App-V/Intune infrastructure issues
  • Troubleshoot virtualised applications that do not work in an environment
  • Manage legacy applications that hold back deployments, remote desktops or new operating systems

With some careful planning and the right tools, the transition to Windows 10 can be a lot smoother for your users, and more productive for your business.

Click here to read more or request an application workshop with the expert team at ORIIUM.