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Cyber Security & GDPR Discussion

By July 20, 2017March 8th, 2024Blog

We had a fantastic turnout for the Insider Yorkshire ‘Cyber Security & GDPR’ event at Elland road, home of Leeds United Football Club this morning, with leaders and decision makers from local and national companies in attendance.

Panellists for the talk included ORIIUM’s MD Chris Kiaie, Druva’s CTO Andrew Nielsen, Shulmans Law Firm Emma Roe, University of Huddersfield’s Dr Simon Parkinson and Ethical Hacker Jamie Woodruff – C)PTE.

The panel spoke in-depth around the topics of Cyber Security with interesting stories from Jamie Woodruff on how physical and social security is as much a factor for organisations as opposed to technological security. Jamie recalled several stories where he gained access to an organisations building and critical infrastructure not just through technology and software, but as posing as a delivery man or even a waiter. Using information gained from employees social media platforms or by physically watching them, he could learn their habits and importantly their patterns to aid his entrance to a building.

Other speakers such as Druva’s Andrew Nielsen pointed out that a business lives and die’s by its data. Organisations can lose access to power, water and other essential day to day items that would impact on their business, but if they lose their data, then a business can be effectively shut down permanently, with no way to operate, pay employees, customer, suppliers etc.

To find out more about the topics covered in the event, please see August’s Insider publication, available soon.